White Rose Community Television (WRCT) in York PA is looking for volunteers to assist with a wide variety of video and TV broadcast tasks. This is strictly volunteer – no compensation is involved. This is however an excellent opportunity to learn and experience the many tasks and operations involved in running a cable access TV station. If you wanted to learn about this technology but could not afford more formal training this is an excellent place to learn.
These are just a sample of the tasks that you will be involved in and learn:
1. Camera operations including the use of prosumer video camcorders in remote shoots and broadcast studio cameras used in TV studio operations.
2. Editing of video using Adobe CS6
3. Use of other equipment and computers used in studio and broadcast operations.
It is not imperative that you have a lot of video shooting or editing experience but you must have a technical orientation and if you have an artistic bent that is plus. Volunteers will likely fit into two categories. High school (16 or older) and college students wanting training in this field either to supplement a career that they wish to pursue or just develop a useful hobby; and individuals out of school who would like to learn more about this technology and make a contribution to the community.
The main requirement to contributing to WRCT is to have a sincere desire to learn about video, broadcasting and related computer technologies and to give back to your community while doing so. The only other requirement is that you are 18 years old or older.
WRCT is located on 120 S. Lehman in York. If you don't drive, you should be able to get back and forth to this location as well as occasionally other locations in and around the city.
If you are interested in volunteering to work with us, please contact the